The Thracian tomb was discovered in 1982 during the excavation of the high Ginina Mound (Mound No. 7 of the Eastern Mound Necropolis of Sboryanovo) near the village, making it one of the most sensational discoveries of the last century. What distinguishes the Sveshtar Tomb from all others is the fact that after it was excavated and fully explored, a chamber was built around it, which was buried. This way, visitors have the opportunity to go around the outer part of the tomb and see its outer walls. No other tomb in our country offers this.
The complex has good infrastructure, there are roads to the main places, separate parking areas and alleys around the mounds. The sanata sribnitsa consists of a corridor and three square chambers, covered with a semi-cylindrical vault. The blocks under the vault are supported by 10 caryatids (female figures), who are standing with their arms raised and are 1.2 meters high. Details in the tomb itself indicate that the ruler for whom it was intended died suddenly.